A dissertation proposal is a handbook of your complete research proposal. This needs to be impressive and informative. Below are the few topics which a dissertation proposal should have; however, do not forget to confirm the same with your advisor or mentor as they might differ from topic to topic or university may have some minor variations.
• Introduction – This should include a short summary of your entire dissertation. After reading this, one should what is your dissertation all about. If possible you can also add a meaningful title and a short abstract of your dissertation. The abstract can be of about 100 to 300 words.
• Problem Statement – This can be clubbed with introduction or can be independent. However, an independent section is preferable. One can highlight the research issue here. One needs to explain the identified gap or in simple words the reason for conducting the dissertation. You can state your problem in a clear paragraph form.
• Methodology – Here one needs to include how the research will be conducted, the various methods (online/ offline) researcher will be using. Be sure to include all the details of your methods. More the details better it is. If suitable, also give an approximate sample size of the respondents for research to be conducted.
• Limitations – It is advisable to include the section of Limitations, you will face due to various reasons. These limitations can be due to geographic distribution or any other factor.
• Potential outcomes – Like a research project is incomplete without the outcome of the research, a dissertation proposal is also incomplete without mentioning the outcomes of the research. Here, you need to mention the general outcome and not the actual results. This section should include what you will achieve after getting this research done. Like for example my research on innovation in usage of plastics will give me new ways where we can substitute plastics in a cost effective manner.
• Timeline – A concrete research proposal includes mentioning the timelines, wherever possible. This not only includes mentioning the timeline for submitting your research project but also, mentioning when most of your primary research will be conducted and for how many days/months. This is to give an idea of the break-up of your schedule for conducting the research.
• Bibliography – Lastly, make a list of all the sources from where you will be taking information from and mention the same in this section.
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